Portrait Painting in Oils Three-Day Workshop
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday April 24, 25, and 26, 2025 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM $210 (+$30 modeling fee) This workshop is designed to help artists enhance their skills in painting portraits. Painting from the live model, artists will employ various techniques for developing accurate proportions, and the proper placement of the model on the canvas. Participants will receive instructions on starting the portrait with a solid structural drawing done in monochromatic lines and tones on a stained canvas. Instruction will be based on demonstrations, discussions, and individual critiques. |
Instructor/ Artist Bio
“The essence of three dimensional illusion in two dimensional art rests within the design of the elements of light and shadow within the composition. The impact of the illusion depends on the contrast between these two essential elements. My work is driven by the formal essence of light.”
ABNER COPE is an associate professor of art at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, with an emphasis in drawing and painting. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree (1980) from Eastern Michigan University with a major in drawing. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree (1974) from Georgia Southern University where he majored in painting with a minor in printmaking.
Mr. Cope has created many drawings and paintings of the figure and has had national exhibitions of his work. His artwork has won numerous awards in Chicago, Toledo and Dayton and are included in various private and corporate collections throughout the Mid west.
He also has taught drawing and painting at the University of Dayton, Dayton Art Institute, Sinclair Community College, Clark State Community College and the Riverbend Art Center. A major mural by
Mr. Cope is hanging in the Hallie Q. Brown Library at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio.
ABNER COPE is an associate professor of art at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio, with an emphasis in drawing and painting. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree (1980) from Eastern Michigan University with a major in drawing. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree (1974) from Georgia Southern University where he majored in painting with a minor in printmaking.
Mr. Cope has created many drawings and paintings of the figure and has had national exhibitions of his work. His artwork has won numerous awards in Chicago, Toledo and Dayton and are included in various private and corporate collections throughout the Mid west.
He also has taught drawing and painting at the University of Dayton, Dayton Art Institute, Sinclair Community College, Clark State Community College and the Riverbend Art Center. A major mural by
Mr. Cope is hanging in the Hallie Q. Brown Library at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio.